Healthy Ecosystem for Your Pond

Pond plants and decorations provide your pond with a healthy ecosystem. This ecosystem relies on a combination of fish, plants, clean water and fresh air to maintain the pond at it’s best – let one of these parts slide, and the ecosystem of your pond becomes unbalanced.

Decorate and Optimise Your Setup

At Home Style Fishponds, our pond cleaners believe in using plants that not only provide benefit to the pond but also benefit to those utilising the garden. There is a range of plants and decorations that you can choose to use in your pond and by following some general guidelines, your pond will look better for longer. There are five types of plants to use in a pond – oxygenators, floating plants, marginal plants, bog plants and submersibles.  

Control Algae with Plants

Oxygenator plants are those that grow rapidly and utilise the minerals that would normally feed algae. Water lilies are perfect for this, and as an added benefit provide a spawning area, hiding space and feeding space for your fish. Floating plants provide shade and safe hiding spots; the best options include duckweed and water lettuce.

If your pond is in a contained space, such as a plastic pond, marginal plants are a fantastic option. These plants sit in a pot which is just covered by the water, and include Japanese Iris, Egyption Paper Plant and water mint. Bog plants on the other hand are great for natural ponds dug into the ground and are suitable for growing in muddy conditions. Day lilies and goat’s beard and ajuga provide lovely splashes colour throughout the year.

Home Style Fishponds can help install and maintain the plants and decorations in your garden pond or fishpond, helping maintain the ecosystem in your pond as well as maintaining a healthy environment for your fish and plants.

When you do include plants into your pond, you will notice an increase in debris on the bottom of your pond. This is where our team of professional Brisbane pond cleaners come in  – we’ll clean and maintain your pond when you don’t have the time to. From regular cleans to one-off and emergency cleans, our reliable team pride themselves on providing a top quality job.

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